Mr. Gosselin has worked in the mining sector for over 42 years serving as CEO and Director for various Canadian junior mining companies. In 1980, he co-founded with Jean Descarreaux Claude Resources that Silver Standard acquired for $450M in 2016. Réjean was President & CEO of Dia Bras Exploration (now Sierra Metals) that reopened the Bolivar Zn-Cu mine and the Cusi Silver mine in Chihuahua, Mexico and discovered a Cu-Au-Fe skarn-hosted deposit adjacent to the Bolivar mine. The three mines are still in operation today. In 2007, Réjean formed Maya Gold & Silver (now Aya Gold & Silver) and served as its President and CEO before becoming Chairman of the Board until 2017. The Copmpay is now a 1-Billion market cap company with projects in Morocco and Mauritania. He also formed and led Origin Gold Corporation (now O2Gold) with projects in Colombia from 2015 to 2020. Réjean became a Director at Puma in 2020 and was recently appointed Executive Chairman. Réjean holds a Master’s Degree in Geology from Laval University, Canada.
Anthony Frizelle, previously held the position of Managing Director at Resource Management & Finance Co. Ltd. (“RM&F”), now RMF (UK) Limited (“RMF”). The London based advisory company assists groups of specialist companies actively developing or investing in natural resource opportunities in the mining and oil and gas sectors.
Prior to establishing RM&F, Anthony was a founding shareholder and CEO of a Canadian resource merchant bank. He has had extensive international business experience in finance, marketing and development of mineral resources having worked in a senior capacity with the Phibro-Salomon Group, Anglo American and Rand Mines. He has launched and listed resource companies quoted on AIM and the Canadian markets, and acted as an advisor for major international resource groups.