Lithium381 Property


1107 ha land position contiguous to Allkem Limited’s James Bay Lithium Mine (formerly Galaxy Lithium’s Cyr Project)

Allkem is scheduled to begin construction in 2023 with an estimated 19 year mine life

Located 3 km from the KM381 service facility on the James Bay road providing services to the area.

Accessible year-round

50% interest in the project optioned  to Clarity Metals Corp. (CSE: CMET) for $750,000 in work expenditure and 720,000 shares of CMET

References:James Bay Lithium Project Feasibility Study and Maiden Ore Reserve, December 2021 filed by Allkem on SEDAR on January 11, 2022

A survey completed in 2008 on Allkem’s property showed a strong correlation between resistivity highs and lithium bearing pegmatites. A resistivity high was identified on the Lithium381 property using the same type of survey.

Brunswick Exploration recently intercepted 26.5m @ 1.51% Li2O on its initial drill campaign conducted on the Anatacau West property located <  2 km from Lithium381 (see Brunswick Exploration’s press release dated May 24th, 2023)

Allkem reported drilling intercepts of 125m @ 1.70 Li2O and 72m @ 1.89% Li2O (see Allkem Limited’s press release of May 4th, 2023).

Allkem has considerably increased its land position in the area through staking and acquisitions over the last months.

The technical information contained on this page was reviewed and approved by Michel Boily, Ph.D., P. Geo, qualified person under NI 43-101 and VP Exploration for Morocco Strategic Minerals.